by Jean B<o:p>, </o:p>Montreal, Canada
August 29th, 2010: 00h35 local time.<o:p></o:p><o:p> </o:p>This picture is a composite of two pictures taken from my driveway. I first took a picture of Jupiter and its four Galilean moons with my 130 mm reflector and a Nikon D5000 DSLR with a 25mm objective. Jupiter was overexposed and no details could be seen. I then used the NexImage (Celestron) webcam with a 2X Barlow to isolate Jupiter. 597 frames were aligned and stacked with Registax. The composite was done using Photoshop CS3 : Sharpening, contrast and color adjustment. Jupiter was overlaid on the first photo. Because of the over-exposition the Galilean moons look much larger than they really are.<o:p></o:p>