by Paulo Lobao
NGC 7293 (aka The Eye of God) is a Planetary Nebula (PN) in Aquarius lying at a distance of about 700 ly from us. One of the most interesting features of this PN are the cometary knots detected at the main ring.
The data to compose this image were collected in four nights (16, 18, 19 and 20 of August 2010) at Muxagata, Portugal (MPC J15). This is a very low object at my latitude (41º N) and I got the data pointing my SCT to NGC7293 from 22º - 28º altitude.
Photo data:
Telescope: Celestron C9.25 XLT + Focal Reducer at 100 mm (f/D of 6.2)
Mount: ATLAS EQmod
Camera: QSI532WS - M1
Guiding: Orion OAG + Loadstar camera
Filters: Ha-7nm and OIII-8.5nm
Total exposure time : 600 min (Ha: 350 min, OIII: 250min)
CCD Temperature: -15ºC