
  • Member since January 2022
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If the air environment is relatively dry, we can also properly spray water on its branches and leaves, which can not only keep the branches clean, but also maintain the necessary environmental humidity, which is more favorable for the flowering of plum blossoms. People who have raised flowers and plants are very familiar with chrysanthemums. The blooming chrysanthemums add a lot of scenery to the thick autumn. After transformation, chrysanthemum has become a unique and different style chrysanthemum.

Camellia grows faster. In the later stage of breeding, the pot soil should be changed every two years according to the size of the plant. Camellia needs to be watered in time during breeding. Spring and autumn are the peak growth season of Camellia, so it is necessary to water the plants once a day; In summer, the air is dry and the temperature is high, so it is necessary to water the plants once a day in the morning and evening; In winter, the air humidity is high and the temperature is low. Water once a week.

Its leaf shape is approximately oblong to oblanceolate or spoon shaped. Its petiole is 6 to 14 cm long and 1.2 to 2.5 cm wide. The position of the top appears to be blunt or pointed. The color of the leaves is green. Its leaf shape is approximately oblong to oblanceolate or spoon shaped. Its petiole is 6 to 14 cm long and 1.2 to 2.5 cm wide. The position of the top appears to be blunt or pointed.

Although the production of chrysanthemum bonsai has a way to follow, no matter what form of chrysanthemum bonsai should be a pleasing organism. Of course, the most important thing is that you like it. Make its drooping main branch close to the basin until it reaches the ideal curvature. When the bottom of the pot is pulled, the top can be removed to promote the growth of lateral branches. According to the needs of modeling, leave 3-5 lateral branches, and remove all other lateral branches.

In order to prevent weeds from competing with winter vegetables for space, nutrients and water, two intercropping and weeding should be carried out when the seedlings have two real leaves. Topdressing and watering, watering and fertilization are very beneficial to the growth of winter cold vegetables. In the growth process, topdressing twice is needed to ensure the rapid growth of stems and leaves, and topdressing is also needed after harvest. If you want to plant winter vegetables well, the light should not be too strong, otherwise the winter vegetables will not produce high yield.

Pest control: pests of winter vegetables, such as tigers and aphids. After the occurrence of anthrax, compound methionine mushroom sprays were used. Maintain the unity of drugs. 5. Harvest after 50 days of growth, winter vegetables can be harvested. It is generally harvested at the upper part of the leaf tip, leaving 1-2 knots for the fresher ones, which is very beneficial to the next harvest. The best growth temperature of goldfish Chlorophytum is 18 ~ 22 degrees. Too high or too low temperature will affect plant growth.

The next spring, when the seedlings grow to 10 cm to 15 cm, they can be transplanted from the seedbed. If seeds are sown and propagated in spring, they should be washed and dried, stored in wet sand layer, and taken out for drill sowing in early spring. First, remove all the leaves within 5 ~ 7cm of the lower end of the cuttings, keep the upper leaves, and insert the cuttings into the middle 5 ~ 7cm deep. The top is about 3cm above the soil surface, watered and covered with a layer of straw, with about 20 roots.

When making cuttings, we need to consider that at least 1-2 leaf buds need to be retained in the cuttings, and the terminal buds need to be retained at the top of the branches. Generally, it can be used only after soaking for more than 2 hours. Then use chopsticks or branches to poke holes with a depth of 6-8 cm and a suitable size in the culture soil. Finally, insert the cuttings into the holes, and then compact the soil around the cuttings. It is recommended that you choose some ceramic pots or plastic plant pots with better air permeability and drainage performance for maintenance.

The temperature of seedlings should be about 20 ℃, and attention should be paid to daylighting and ventilation. At the seedling stage, the number of roots was basically the same as that of leaves. In summer, the temperature is high, and the basin for seedling planting is small and easy to dry out. To ensure that the plant blooms on schedule, the flowers are large and colorful, and the fruit setting rate is high. When drawing arrows, Cheng Linglan should maintain appropriate temperature, temperature difference and sufficient moisture to prevent the occurrence of arrow clamping.

If you want a lot of water planting, you can make a metal mesh with an aperture of one centimeter with fine iron wire, and make a glass hydroponic box slightly smaller than the metal mesh, or use a goldfish tank instead. Compared with the above two nutrient solutions, organic fertilizer is rich in components, but the nutrient content is not high, and inorganic fertilizer is relatively single, but the fertilizer effect is large and the effect is fast. The two can be used in combination. Often loosen the soil to increase the oxygen content of the soil, improve the root absorption capacity and promote plant growth.

During the breeding process, pay attention to the changes of water quality. It is found that some roots turn yellow or black, indicating that the water is anoxic and less fertilizer, and the water must be changed immediately. It reached about 13 leaves, the plant shape was stable, and all indexes were qualitative. Generally speaking, the pot soil should be rotten leaf soil, especially in summer. Thin fertilizer should be applied frequently, and the fertilizer water should not be dropped on the leaves, so as to prevent the occurrence of spot uncovering disease.

In winter, because the room temperature is too low (lower than 10 ℃) or directly attacked by cold wind, the cold leaves will turn yellow and gradually wither. After being added into the basin, it is fermented to dissipate heat, and the water is not permeable. In addition, in the process of fertilization, the fertilizer solution is accidentally dropped on the plants and leaves. If it is not cleaned in time, it will also produce yellow spots or scorch on the leaf surface.

If the Clivia is placed in a hot and windless place, or exposed to the hot sun in a high-temperature and dry environment, the normal activity of enzymes in the Clivia plant is inhibited, and the chlorophyll in the leaves will be destroyed. It is usually dominated by cutting propagation, which is divided into bud cutting, Twig Cutting and leaf bud cutting. Cut the external foot bud stem of the plant in autumn and winter. The standard of selecting buds is that they are far from the plant and the bud head is plump.

Goldfish Chlorophytum doesn't like sunlight, but likes a semi cloudy environment. The plant is placed in a position that can receive astigmatism for daily maintenance. Goldfish Chlorophytum likes the environment with high humidity. During daily maintenance, it is necessary to pour enough water to keep the soil moist, but there must be no ponding. When watering seedlings, the principle of seeing dry and seeing wet shall be followed. As the plants grow, the amount of watering shall also increase.

When raising precious bamboo in soil, you can choose soil containing rotten leaves or vegetable garden soil. When planting potted plants, you can cut a section of more than 10cm rich bamboo stems and insert them into the moist and loose soil. At the same time, keep the soil not very dry, so that new buds will appear soon. The planting method of jasmine is introduced here. You can plant it at home. This is a plant that prefers sunshine.

In addition, when raising Fugui bamboo in soil, the flowerpot is also very particular. Purple sand basin or plastic basin should be selected. If Fugui bamboo is to be planted outdoors, earthenware basin should be selected. Tell you a little trick. If you want to make Fugui bamboo grow more vigorously, you can put a little egg shell in the soil. When the light is strong, the branches are strong, the leaves are dark green, the flowers are many and fragrant, and when the sunlight is insufficient, the knots are sparse, and the flowers are few and fragrant.

Fugui bamboo doesn't like sunshine so much. If Fugui bamboo basks in the sun, it will do more harm than good. Often basking in the sun will make the leaves of Fugui bamboo turn yellow, not green and not good-looking. Environment and light Jasmine likes hot, humid, ventilated and breathable environment, and needs sufficient light. Jasmine is afraid of cold. Potted Jasmine in the South can be cultivated outdoors for winter. In the north, it is necessary to keep warm in autumn and winter. Move it indoors and put it facing south.

Water jasmine is not drought resistant, but it is forbidden to accumulate water. In rainy seasons, the accumulated water in the basin should be dumped in time, otherwise the leaves are easy to turn yellow. On hot and sunny days in summer, water twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. If the leaves are curled, spray water on the leaves to promote growth. High temperature season in midsummer is the peak period of jasmine growth. Apply more organic fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, such as peanut cake powder, bone powder, calcium superphosphate and multi-element flower fertilizer, twice a month.

For soil cultivation, jasmine should be cultivated in fertile Sandy and semi sandy soil. If it is planted in slightly acidic soil with pH value of 6 to 6.5, it will have dense roots and vigorous growth. If the soil is sticky, lacks matrix, low fertility and poor ventilation, it will have few roots, short plants, slender stems and leaves, and few and small flowers. In this way, we can see that their leaves are still very different. The color of the leaves is green.

Jasmine often has luxuriant branches and leaves but does not bloom in summer. The main reason is that too much nitrogen fertilizer is applied, resulting in the overgrowth of branches and leaves. In this case, it is necessary to control fertilizer and water, increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, promote the breeding of flower buds, and pay attention to moving jasmine to a place with sufficient sunshine and good ventilation. Zizhumei still prefers sunshine. We should pay attention to the difference between zizhumei and violet. It still looks a little like it.

Pruning Jasmine grows very fast in summer, so it should be pruned in time. Potted Jasmine pruning retains 10 cm to 15 cm of the base to promote the growth of most strong new shoots. If the new shoots grow vigorously, they should pick the heart when they grow 10 cm and promote the secondary shoots, then they will bloom more and have a compact plant shape. After the flower withers, the flower branches should be cut off in time to reduce nutrient consumption, promote the growth of new shoots, and make the branches dense, more buds and more flowers.

Maintenance during flowering. Do not spray water on flowers during flowering to prevent early flower falling and disappearance of fragrance. When it rains, move potted jasmine to a shelter. Whether Jasmine likes yin or Yang: this plant is used to a warm, humid and sunny environment, and has a long cold resistance. Its leaves will fall off slowly after winter, and tender leaves will be born early in spring. Breeding is suitable for deep, fertile and loose soil.

In addition, the relatively low temperature dormancy in winter is very good for the growth of orchids in the coming year. Although the full light in winter will not endanger the orchids, the light can increase the ambient temperature, which is unfavorable to dormancy. Which grade is higher between petal orchid and spring orchid: it can't be divided into grades. There are precious varieties and ordinary varieties. The fragrance of spring orchid is better. Here's the introduction about petal orchid. It's fragrant. Now you know the requirements of petal orchid for light!

Its leaves are usually alternate and similar to lanceolate in shape. Its length is 6 to 13 cm and its width is 6 to 10 mm. The front end of the leaves looks sharp. The base is wrapped into a sheath. There are many white long eyelashes at the sheath mouth. The upper half is dark green, the edge is green purple, and the lower half is purplish red. In this way, we can see that their leaves are still very different.

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