I currently own three telescopes. My first was acquired back in the late 1970's, it is a 4.25" Palomar Newtonian from Edmund Scientific. Still works great after all these years.
In the mid 1990's for capturing comet Hale-Bopp on film, I decided to upgrade into something more modern and useful - I bought a Meade LX50 8" SCT from Roger Tuthill with his famous Isostatic Mount. A great setup. Still works without fail.
Finally, in 2009 I decided I wanted a powerful portable scope that would break down into the back of my Subaru and assemble into a back into large deep sky explorer. I found the ORION 12" xxt Truss Dobsonian a great scope and I enjoy using all the time. First light took place at Cherry Springs PA and that will be a trip I will never forget !
I share astronomy with everyone I know - my friends come to me with questions and it's always fun to bring the wonders of the universe a little closer to everyone now and then - my online namesake is borrowed from dear departed Jack Horkhiemer, as I never missed an episode of his show STAR GAZER.
I will always heed Jack's friendly words -
"keep looking up ! "