
  • Member since August 2021
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About ElizabethFrick

An essential element of a company website

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When creating a company website, we often do not know what is necessary and what is not necessary to publish on the website. If unnecessary information predominates on business websites, readers will get lost on the site, and customers will dwindle. If, on the other hand, the important stuff is left out, we're cleaning up the ovlasos.


1. A company presentation that your customers can understand

A simple and understandable introduction is important to your readers. Your prospects don't know your company, they have no idea who you are. They don't understand your product or your area of expertise.

So introduce yourself simply and clearly on the front page and tell the reader what you have to offer. It sounds trivial, yet many people forget. A clever introduction has three elements:

  • What you do.
  • Who you do it for.
  • Where you do it.

It can be as short as a single sentence. Write my annotated bibliography free it simple and to the point.

We do sports car tuning for passionate drivers in and around Mezőberény.

I am Péter Barakovits. I provide legal advice and background for companies in Budapest.

Our bank provides a stable financial background for expanding companies.


2. Photos of you that make a personal impression

You shake your head when businesses spend millions on their website and fill it with stock photos taken for free off the internet. It makes most websites look so plastic that readers don't even bother to get in touch.

There is not a single picture of the entrepreneur or the company director, and not a single visual element that he or she has created. And if there is not enough text, many readers will think that the company does not exist.

At least have a photo of the company director. The unique face of the company is your face.

Because your website consists of two things: text and photos. And if you don't put sophisticated photos on it, who will buy anything from you?


3. Quality content and blog

There's nothing new under the sun: the soul of a business website is the writing. There is only one rule about this.

Write as many good articles as possible for this link, answering questions from interested customers.

This is so simple, and requires so much persistent work, that 90% of your competitors are unable to do it.

But if you can do it, you'll be ranking well in Google and getting customers to show up in just a few months. What gives a website a unique look - apart from photos - is quality articles. You don't need to spend hundreds of thousands on SEO experts or an online marketing consultant necessarily. If your company website is empty of content, no online marketing consultant will help. And the reverse is also true: quality writing will keep bringing visitors to your website.

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