This image of the moon was created In the following way:
Telescope - Astro Physics 130mm f8
Camera - Imaging Source DMK-51AU02 monochrome
Shutter Speed - 1/150 sec to 1/240 sec
Filter - ND 0.6 4X
Tracking mount - Losmandy G11
Software - Imaging Source Capture software, Regi Stax 6, and Photo Shop CS-6
Capture Location: Elkridge, MD USA
Capture Date: September 21, 2013
Process - Over a period of eleven minutes 246 total images of the moon were captured. The moon was imaged by breaking into seven quadrants (UL, UR, CL, CC, CR, LL, and LR). There were over 30 images captured for each of the quadrants. Using Regi Stax 6 approximately 20 images were stacked of each quadrant individually. The majority of the processing happened in Regi Stax 6 (brightness, contrast, wavelets, and other details). Approximately 150 of the 246 images were used. Then seven processed quadrants were moved into Photo Shop CS-6 where "Photo Merge" was used to create the mosaic. Just a slight amount of additional post processing was done last.