The moon seems a world in black and white but it's not really exact. In fact, increasing the color's saturation in a digital image by a particular postprocessing routine, we realize how its surface is multicolored. This is because there isn't no chemical component that reflects the sunlight in the same way, any one reflects better a particular wave-length of light transformed by the human sight in different colors. Just like emeralds, for example, reflect better the "green" wave-length and rubins the red one, in the same way any different mineral of the lunar surface shows its colore tone. But the Intensity of the Moon's albedo and , sometimes, the filtering effect of the Earth atmosphere hide all of it at the human sight. But thanks to the digital technology we can discover it !
A mosaic of two HDR 3 images composition taken with a Canon 40d reflex camera at the prime focus of a Intes Micro Alter M603 on a Celestron CGEM, focal length 1.500 mm, focal ratio 10, shutter speed 2x 1/30" + 2x 1/40" + 2x 1/50". Seeing 2 (fair), transparency 5 (slight haze) .Processed wit Photoshop CS5.