by Anthony Ayiomamitis
The total solar eclipse in March/2006 on Kastelorizo Island in the southeastern Mediterranean offered the opportunity to capture a version of the sun which is not physically possible otherwise, namely the sun with its rich and detailed corona which extends millions of kilometers into space. The sun just before first contact was superimposed on the result involving the corona itself during totality to produce the image above.
Technical Details:
Date: Mar 29, 2006 12:35:00 - 13:56:03 UT+3
Location: Kastelorizo Isl., Greece (36.1483° N, 29.5933° E)
Equipment: AP 160 f/7.5 StarFire EDF, Losmandy G-11 GEM, Canon EOS 300d, Baader ND-5 (full-aperture)
Exposures: 9 x (1/500 - 1/4 sec), ISO 100, RAW image format, 3072x2048 image size, Servo Mode with EC, Manual Mode
Further details: