by Bob Franke
Taken from 11/1/2009 to 11/15/2009 in Chino Valley, AZ with an SBIG STL-11000 camera mounted on a 12.5 inch f/9 RCOS Ritchey-Chrétien scope using AstroDon filters.
Lum 90 min. ( 6 x 15 min. bin 2x2)
RGB 180 min. ( 4 x 15 min. bin 2x2, each)
North is to the bottom, I think it looks better up side down.
M34 is an open cluster, with about 100 stars, in the constellation Perseus. At a distance of 1,400 light, years its apparent size is slightly larger than the full Moon. The age of the cluster is about 180 million years. M34's discovery is attributed Giovanni Batista Hodierna, sometime before 1654, and independently discovered later by Charles Messier on August 25, 1764