First time I post Neptune here, because a planet is difficult to process, besides that it does not present sharp details during the capture.
Much is discussed about the minimal details present in some captures, or whether they are just artifacts or are real. For me, they are just artifacts that are generated by excess processing.
I tried to rotate with 15 videos through winjoups, without pulling the layers too much, but did not present any details, I did this test several nights in a row.
Here the image I consider the best I had, I did the shred processing separately.
I made an image containing both, and the reference in winjupos, both in the bottom corner.
Neptune is like that, without many details but a beautiful icy planet
BEST DETAILS ... real=&mod=
ZWO Optical ASI 290 MC
Filter: Baader Planetarium L 1.25 "
Accessory: TeleVue Powermate 2.5x
Mount: Ioptron Cem60
Polar alignment: Sharcap
Capture: SharpCap V3.0
Processing: Photoshop CS6, , AutoStakkert AutoStackert !,
Registax 6, Winjupos
CM: 330,5
Seeing: 4
Transparency: 7
May 30, 2020 7:50
São Paulo-SP-Brazil