Here is my image of the big nebula Cederblad 214 also known as NGC7822 or the Questionmark nebula. Cederblad was a Swedish astronomer who created a catalog of "bright diffuse Galactic nebulae". Many of the entries in the catalog are good photographic objects.
Image details:
Location: My Backyard in SkellefteƄ, Sweden - Bortle 5.
Telescope: Samyang/Rokinon 135mm lens working at F2.0
Camera: ASI183mm, 20mp used at gain 250
Filters: Baader HAlpha 7nm and Astronomics O3 12nm
Exposures: 6minute subs from three nights during late autumn 2020:
HA captured 24th of October and 6th of November: (33+46) * 6 min =~ 8h
O3 captured 7th of November: 67 * 6min =~7h
Guiding: 50mm guide scope and ASI120mini
Processing: Stacking in Siril, Star removal in Straton, Post processing in GIMP
Color blend: Bicolor using Ha as red, Ha*O3 as green and O3 as blue