The emission nebula NGC 281 in Cassiopeia is sometimes referred as Packman Nebula due to its resemblance to the popular video game character and is located approximately 9200 light years (2.82 kpc) form our planet. It is a large (48 light years across) HII region associated with open cluster IC 1590 containing hot, young blue massive stars. It also includes Bok globules and dark dust clouds deformed by the stellar winds.
Imaged at the Skopje city center (Bortle scale 8) at 16, 19, 20 and 21 September 2020.
Imaged using Meade 115 mm triplet (focal lenght 646 mm), ZWO ASI183MM Pro, (Gain: 111) at -15 Celsius Degrees; Guiding: ZWO ASI174MM Mini with OAG; AsiAir Pro 1.5 beta; iOptron CEM40EC, SII: 26x600", H-alpha: 52x600", OIII: 27x600". Image processing: PixInsight 1.8.8-5.