It might be the most famous astronomical object. An emission nebula at a distance of about 1344 light-years, with the apparent magnitude of 4. The central part of the nebula is way brighter than the other parts, which requires HDR technique to take an appropriate and detailed photo.
Telescope: William Optics 80mm ZenithstarII ED + Orion Field Flattener
F: f/6.8
Focal Length: 544 mm
Exposure: 75*60 sec + 32*30 sec + 9*10 sec + 4*4 sec + 10*2 sec + 9 Dark Frames + 4 Flat Frames
Mount: EQ5 SynScan
Autoguiding: None
Camera: Canon EOS 50D modified
ISO: 3200
Filter: Orion SkyGlow Imaging Filter