Pictured is a portion of the Eastern Veil Nebula, NGC 6992, in Cygnus, which was discovered by William Herschel in 1784. The Veil Nebula is the result of a supernova explosion about 15,000 years ago and is approximately 2,500 light-years away. This bicolor narrowband image was taken through a Hydrogen-alpha filter and an Oxygen[III] filter, with the Red channel assigned to H-alpha, Green channel assigned to O[III], and the Blue channel assigned to 90% O[III]. The image was a total of 8 hrs 20 min exposure with a Takahashi CCA-250 f/5 astrograph and a QSIwsg CCD camera with Astrodon filters (H-alpha 5 nm; O[III] 3 nm) on a Paramount ME in Mayhill, NM on the nights of 17, 23, 24 October 2017 (O[III]: 16 x 1200 sec lights @ -20 degrees C; H-alpha 9 x 1200 sec lights @ -20 degrees C; 24 darks; 128 bias; 128 flats). Processed in PixInsight Ripley (x64).