This is an image of NGC2175, also known as the Monkey Head Nebula. It is an emission nebula about 6,400 light years away in the constellation Orion. It was shot using Astrodon 3nm narrowband filters using the Hubble Palette for color mapping.
Location: Rancho Hidalgo, NM
Telescope: TEC-140 (F7)
Camera: SBIG ST-8300M
Mount: AP900 GTO
HA: 20x30 minutes (binned 1x1)
SII: 28x30 minutes (binned 1x1)
OIII: 24x30 minutes (binned 1x1)
Red: 15x30 seconds (binned 2x2)
Green: 15x30 seconds (binned 2x2)
Blue: 15x30 seconds (binned 2x2)