Orion's Sword
This is my first attempt at processing long exposure images with my current setup.
Unguided 5x50 second subs for a total of 4 minutes 10 seconds. ISO 400 stacked with DSS using 5 darks, flats, dark flats and offsets. Processed using Sagelight Image Editor v4.4.
Celestron Omni XLT 150 FL 750mm f/5 Newtonian Reflector & Orion 8x40 illuminated straight through finder scope.
Orion SkyView Pro Equatorial, TrueTrack duel axis electronic drive & polar axis finder scope.
Baader Planetarium 2" Moon & Skyglow IR-Cut Neodymium Filter.
Canon EOS Rebel T3 1100D DSLR .