THis is an image of three objects:NGC 7129, a star cluster surrounded by the blue reflection nebula, NGC 7142, a multi-color open cluster at the bottom left, and IC 5134, the wide dusty nebula around NGC 7129. This complex is about 3300 light years away in the constellation Cepheus.
September 17-November 5, 2012
Location: Rancho Hidalgo, NM
Telescope: TEC-140 (F7)
Camera: SBIG ST-8300M
Mount: AP900 GTO
Luminance: 18x20 minutes (binned 1x1)
Red: 8x15 minutes (binned 2x2)
Green: 8x15 minutes (binned 2x2)
Blue: 8x15 minutes (binned 2x2)