by Robert Roudebush
This is my first attempt with my wife's Canon T1i at prime focus and I think I got lucky. I took 10-30 sec. shots and 2 darks. Later when looking at the pics on a large laptop screen I was very pleased at my first attempt with her camera but was stunned to see 3 meteor streaks coming up from 7 o'clock aimed at the core in the 10th shot. I thought it must be some sort of artifact but careful study of the other 9 frames showed no streaks. I am new to this and would appreciate any advice on post processing the 10 frames with 2 darks. What software is easy for a beginner? Also are meteor streaks common in astro pics? The attached photo is #10 as it came from the camera.
Feb. 4, 2010 Elephant Butte, New Mexico. Meade 10" SN on LXD 55 mount unguided. Canon T1i at prime focus ISO1600 1-30sec Exp.