by Anthony Ayiomamitis
The dark nebula B143 is located within three degrees northwest of Altair (α-Aql, mag 0.93) and is accompanied by a large number of other Barnard dark nebulae in the immediate vicinity including B142, B340, B334, B336 and B337 all within a two-degree circumference of B143. As noted by Barnard, this particular nebula has the general shape of a square approximately 0.5 degrees wide and with the west side missing. Along with B142 which lies immediately to the south, the combination of B142 and B143 are commonly referred to as the "E" nebula owing to the fact widefield views reveal a combined formation which is similar to the letter "E".
Technical Details:
Aug 13-14, 2009 @ 22:00 - 00:40 UT+3
AP 160 f/7.5 StarFire EDF, AP 1200GTO GEM, SBIG ST-10XME, SBIG CFW10, AstroDon TruBal CRGB
LRGB @ 60:30:30:30, 1x1 binning, -12.5° C
Further details: