David Eicher talk, signing at Lowell Observatory this Saturday

Posted by David Eicher
on Thursday, November 17, 2016

Join David Eicher this Saturday, November 19, 2016, at Lowell Observatory for a talk and book signing.

In you’ll be in the astronomical mecca of Flagstaff, Arizona, this weekend, please join me for a talk and book signing Saturday night, November 19, 2016, at 7 p.m. I will be speaking about astronomical concepts from my book THE NEW COSMOS and where science popularization is going in the world — plenty of fun stuff to chat about. And there will be copies of the book on hand for signing thereafter. For more information on the event, please see Lowell Observatory’s page at:


The talk will cover advancements in understanding astronomy, cosmology, and planetary science over the past decade or two, describing our knowledge of the origin of the Moon, water on Mars, the global resurfacing of Venus, the barred spiral structure of the Milky Way Galaxy, the age, size, and fate of the universe, dark matter, dark energy, black holes, and lots more. It should be fun.

Many thanks to Mike West of Lowell Observatory for the invitation, and I look forward to seeing many old friends in the Flagstaff area this weekend. As well as perhaps trekking to the Grand Canyon and Meteor Crater. More to come . . . 


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