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3rd Week Pregnancy

  • There is so much going on in your stomach right now. Your baby is a wildly growing ball of cells. This ball of cells is called a Blastocyst.
  • After the blastocyst settles in the uterus, the part that will form the placenta begins to produce the pregnancy hormone called hCG. This hormone instructs your ovaries to stop producing eggs. It also triggers intense estrogen and progesterone production.
  • HCG hormone is the reason why the pregnancy test is "positive". When a pregnancy test is done at the end of this week, the result will be positive. (If the test is negative and there is no period, you can try again in a few days.)
  • Meanwhile, in the cavity that will form the amniotic sac, amniotic fluid begins to accumulate around the blastocyst. This liquid will keep and protect your baby in the weeks and months to come.
  • Right now, your little blastocyst is taking in oxygen, nutrients, and excreting waste through a simple looping system of microscopic channels connected to tiny vessels in your uterus. Next week, the placenta will take over this task.

To have information about the second week of pregnancy,  you can read our 2nd week pregnancy article.

What is going on in your body step by step?

  • A very important encounter took place inside you. The strong membrane of your egg has been penetrated by a single sperm and fertilized.
  • A few days after fertilization, the egg descended into the uterus and began to develop there. A baby is about to come to life inside.
  • You probably don't know you're pregnant yet. But maybe towards the end of this week, you may experience some light bleeding. This is called 'Implantation bleeding'. It happens because the fertilized egg passes through the uterine layer, which has high blood circulation. It is a light bleeding; can live.

3rd Week Pregnancy Symptoms in 8 Steps

اعراض الحمل في الاسابيع الاولي

Some women feel pregnancy symptoms before the test shows positive.

Symptoms in the 3rd Week of Pregnancy

1. Soft and swollen breasts: Many women feel and describe this feeling much more intensely than premenstrual symptoms.

2. Fatigue and fatigue: The increase of the hormone called progesterone and the process of formation of your baby can cause you to feel as if you have run a marathon.

3. The need to urinate frequently: It kicks in right after you get pregnant.

4. Increase in the perception of odor: It is a common symptom that odors are felt more intensely. This is caused by a sudden rise in estrogen levels.

5. Feelings of disgust: A feeling of disgust produced against certain foods; It is a more common symptom than an increase in appetite.

6. Nausea, vomiting and morning sickness: It usually starts after a few weeks. However, some expectant mothers may experience these symptoms earlier.

7. High body temperature: If your body temperature has been slightly elevated for over 18 days, this is a sign that you are most likely pregnant.

8. Light bleeding: You may experience light bleeding that is red, pink or brown in color at the time of your period. In addition, if you have severe pain, we recommend that you contact your doctor immediately.

You can read our 4th week pregnancy article to have information about the next week of your pregnancy .

Note: It is informative, consult your doctor for more detailed information.

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