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Structure of an essay

All scholarly work requires a certain structure, whether it is a presentation, 

A homework paper

or an article in a scholarly anthology. An essay should have the following structure:



"Introduction" refers to the first part of the text that brings the reader to the topic and problem area of the essay. You will only need a few paragraphs in the introduction to roughly describe the process.



This part is more complicated. It's about facts, talking points, and finding arguments, pro and con. You can take different routes for analysis, such as B. thesis with multiple arguments, cases, examples. Or one tests several theses on a single argument. A thesis should be understood as a clear statement that the author makes and would like to make clear to the reader by providing full evidence.


Arguments or opinions of other scholars can/should be seen as "for" or "against" the thesis. They can be taken from real life or from a historical event, from the news, or by looking at what is written in grademiners review. The reader, often another scholar, is difficult to convince with one argument, so it makes sense for a thesis to use two or more arguments. However, it is important that the text maintain its central theme and remain coherent and transparent. This means that if you want to include information/thoughts from a source in your essay, you must cite it correctly.



At the end of about one page, you summarize what you want to write about the topic. It is important that your conclusion is clear and consistent with the situation you described earlier in the essay.


How to write a clear and scholarly essay

The quality of your essay depends on several closely related aspects:


1. the sources, literature, and materials you will use. This can also include sources you have written yourself, such as B. Notes from a seminar: classmates' lectures, notes, or discussions that you would like to refer to. However, the following applies: you must have ready access to all of your sources.


2. the academic quality of your sources must be verifiable, unbiased, easily accessible, and accessible to all.


3. the arguments you use in your theses should be relevant and accurate.


When you analyze the literature, you take notes about it. This is a process that helps when writing an academic paper and thinking about it. As you take notes, think about possible key questions and thoughts that may later serve as arguments or examples for your research. The essayhave service already has work in progress, contacting there first will give you an overview of theoretical and empirical developments, viewpoints, and facts. You will take more notes in some books, less in others-it depends on the usefulness/relevance of your essay. It is quite possible that you will later discard some notes as unusable.


At the same time, you write down your own thoughts about this or that text and that question the ideas of others that evoke in you. In this way you develop your own logic, make judgments about what you read, and continue to look for arguments in other materials. Your choice of literature and materials should be reasonably limited by you, for example, depending on the year of publication, the original language, on the Internet, or in print.



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The following aspects are also important when writing an essay!

When writing, it may happen that your question or task will change and require you to analyze the development, that is, find an explanation of why something is happening, what processes and mechanisms are triggered, and perhaps a reaction to the change on your part Example using new arguments from other sources. It's not just about the facts. Once you've created the question - whether it changes in the process - there are several approaches to answering it. The choice is yours, but it must be justified. The more specific the question, the clearer you can make your arguments and cover the topic from certain angles.


After you finish the draft of your essay, you check to see if the arguments are sound, if the main ideas are clear, and if there is rigor. Then you should check your work yourself and/or ask a friend for recommendations for improvement. Carefully check that what you have written is consistent with your intentions as outlined in the introduction, that the message has been communicated and persuasive, and that you have used sufficient data. Then you check the style and formal requirements: format, punctuation, spelling, font and size, etc. Д.

Read more about essay preparation in:

The rules to writing essay
How to Plan an Essay
Requirements and procedure for writing an essay
5 practical tips for writing essays 
How I write essays: 5 tips
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