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About leilanifdvazquez

Top Motives Consumers Shop Online Online shopping is here to stay and with good reason. The convenience of tech-enabled shopping is now an indispensable feature during the COVID-19 era. The dominance of online shopping continues to rule the market for consumers as preferences for spending and comfort levels radically shift in line with the new norm. And with the many perks of shopping online It's not a surprise that consumers have turned to their screens rather than stores. These are the top reasons Why Consumers Shop Online Free shipping Free shipping could be the difference between buying online and shopping in stores. From a retailer's point of point of view, free shipping may also encourage customers to purchase more items as well as "balance out" shipping costs. It can also incentivize shopping cart abandonment and encourage conversion which is a common practice of 46% of customers. Look at this site to discover a full report on online shopping. Lower costs Price is one of the strongest factors influencing the purchase decision of a consumer: when shopping online, 70% of customers are shopping for less expensive items. Coupled with the fact that over half of U.S. consumers (56%) say they are living "paycheck to paycheck," it makes sense that people are searching online for the cheapest choices. More options for products Consumers want to easily evaluate products based on price, reviews, and features and have become more discerning in the product selection process. Online shopping is the most popular option for nearly all types of products. Only essential products such as cleaners and groceries are exempted. Discounts Online shopping allows you to find deals as well as join reward programs and get promotions delivered to your inbox. For more savings consumers have turned to tech-forward options; 45% of customers also use deal-finding extensions for their browsers or plug-ins such as Honey, Pricescout and Amazon Assistant. Find a brand you like 54% of customers consider themselves to be loyal to their brand. What is the number one reason why consumers choose a particular brand they trust? The top reason is lower prices than competitors and better quality than competitors which is followed by great customer service. Fast shipping Consumers want their products delivered quickly. 48% of online customers are willing to shell out extra cost for faster delivery, and 55 percent of Amazon shoppers would do the same. Amazon is the largest retailer in terms of speed. 64% of Amazon customers say they think Amazon is the most convenient option to buy a product if they need urgently. Safety (avoiding public stores) Despite a decrease in COVID-19-related cases and progress in the introduction of vaccines, more consumers are shopping online to minimize possible exposure by avoiding physical stores. 60 percent of Amazon's customers say they appreciate more Amazon prior to the COVID-19 epidemic. 60% also report that they shop at Amazon more often than before. Review The decision-making process of consumers is heavily affected by social evidence. 71% of customers are attracted by products with the highest ratings and reviews, and 68% of consumers are influenced by reviews that contain images or videos. The act of crowdsourcing reviews gives online retailers huge credibility boosts because it builds trust between other customers and the product. Explore new brands Customers have turned to online retailers to explore their choices. Only 12% of shoppers do not search for brands, while 19% of customers constantly search for a specific brand. Shoppers can quickly discover new brands by exploring their product offerings and build relations with them. Even with tighter budgets, customers do not want to compromise on the particulars and they don't have to. Whether it's to cut costs or to validate purchases by using social proof or something made available, online shopping is advantageous in more ways than one.

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