
  • Member since September 2007
  • 813 contributed posts
About cyberpatzer
I was and raised in the Detroit area. I went to school and majored in History and English language, then decided I didn't want to be a teacher and learned the trade of stationary engineering (steam/powerplant operator). I've taught trade related classes to adults, as well as technical writing. I went back to school recently and finally got my masters in clincal counseling, which at some point I would like to use. When I finished, I picked up astronomy to do something different and interesting. I got hooked. I've built a roll-off observatory in my back yard, complete with a self-contained warm room and electrical service. While studying astronomy, I got interested in UFOs (I was looking up at the night sky for hours...), and became interested in the extraterrestrial hypothesis and the UFO question. I am now convinced that we are being visited by our galactic neighbors, and that the existing written record stretching back 200 years+ indicates a consistent modality. I think that the US government and allies (UK, Russia), are supressing evidence for reasons well explained by government reports from the 50s and 60s. I increasingly think they are right to supress this information. Humanity clearly isn't ready. I am also a chess addict and read non-fiction --history, science history, astronomy, psychology, physical anthropology, astrobiology, space exploration, Apollo program... I am working on and off on a pet book project detailing the historical underpinnings and development of SETA (search for extraterrestrial artifacts), its relationship to SETI, UFOs, and human space exploration analogs. Interesting stuff, but a lot of back ground readings (astronomy history, spacecraft propulsion, physics, astrobiology, seta literature, seti literature, history of technology development...).
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