
  • Member since March 2022
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About CurtiszShelton

Elo Boost is a service which allows you to achieve a desired rank or tier with the help of a highly skilled and experienced Elo Booster. You can sign up for your Elo boost by providing your account details to an booster or by going duo with the booster! The service is available to multiple games with multiple types of lol boosting services. The requirement to have Elo Boost comes from the possibility that a player could be friends with or have connections to people who are of higher rank but cannot reach those levels because of lack of time or lask of knowledge about the game. This is why Elo Boost exists, to help those who are having difficulty climbing the ladder to ascend and leave the traditional Elo Hell with the help of those who are very competent and experienced at the sport. Does Boosting legal? Even though many consider boosting illegal, in the Korean Server this sentence becomes the case. Boosting is not permitted under Riot Games terms of service since it takes the fun from the game when players compete using their primary accounts. Click this link: league boosting for more information. Riot looks at the possibility of boosting to remove the ranked system, as well as the general hidden MMR system behind it. Why? Let's keep in mind this lol elo boost is an application that helps you get on a higher rank on the ladder, and not only in ranked mode, but also in normal , since the normal game's MMR are also correlated with your rank-based MMR. Some say that even after you buy Elo Boost, you'll end at the position that you started from, correct? It's not entirely true; you may be degraded if you find that the skill limit on the rank you're looking for did not suit you as a player but the MMR might still be more than the one that you were using before purchasing elo boost. Is Boosting an unhealthy thing? As stated above, Elo Boost isn't illegal however, it violates some rules and fundamentals to Riot. Is it illegal? So, let's imagine that you're Gold IV now and you upgrade to Platinum II or I, or Diamond IV. There's a chance that you'll be demoting some divisions, but you'll probably still have a higher MMR being with Platinum III or IV than when it was Gold IV. This secret MMR can also be transferred to normal games. Therefore, you'll likely play with people who have the same level as you. The the fact that all of this happens might create feelings of unfairness. For sure you have encountered an AFK or tilted player before did you not? It's not a issue without a reason. in case you're confident with your level of skill and also on the level you're more likely that you'll be raging or AFK since you'll be performing well. But what about those who are really better players but don't have time or simply don't want to exert the effort required to climb? Are Elo boosts a bad thing? You probably won't, since you'll have much more as you'll be at a higher position for your level of skill. Do I have the right to be banned for Elo Boosting? Well, according to Riot, you can be exiled by Riot for Elo Boosting. You will usually see an entire ban wave towards the end of each season. It is their method of punishing those who tried to climb the ladder by purchasing league of legends boosting. The method they create the massive bans is because of a new AI that assists them in identifying accounts that are too high according to their algorithm. The issue with these restrictions is the fact that they're obvious and, in reality, the actual ban rate for boosting is less than 0.2 percent. Because they host these types of events and ban a lot of people at one time, it makes it look like it's a major thing. And it appears that the Riot will end by Boosting. This isn't the reality. There's always a sense of doubt from people who have old League accounts and have sunk an enormous amount of money into cosmetics and skins. Of course, it won't feel great to have your account banned after having spent so many years "building" it and collecting the best skins and champions. The chances of having your account suspended are low, especially with BuyBoosting since we even use VPN for your account security. So, Riot's algorithm will not be able to detect if it is you or not , since it's located in an identical country. It's important to remember that in Duo Boost you play with your own account so that isn't a violation because you can play with the booster and it will simply be a friend in an algorithm's eyes.

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