by Craig and Tammy Temple
Here is a little lunar montage made from a couple of images that we captured on October 8, 2011. This was our first time using the 2.5x Powermate with the DMK31 on the Celestron C8. We learned real quick just how fast conditions can deteriorate when imaging at high magnification. There was only 30 minutes between the first and second image and turbulence got so bad that we couldn't even adjust focus for the second shot. Oh well....we had fun anyway!!!
Telescope: Celestron C8 @ f/25
Accessories: TeleVue 2.5x Powermate; Dew control by Dew Buster
Filters: Baader 1.25” Luminance
Mount: Takahashi EM-200 Temma2
Camera: Imaging Source DMK31
Exposure: 1/92 (top image); 1/77 (bottom image)
Gain: 685
Length: 1:00
Acquisition: IC Capture.AS (Uncompressed AVI) 30fps
Processing: AVIStack 2
Post-processing: Adobe Photoshop CS5; Carboni’s Tools
Capture time: October 8, 2011, 8:19 - 8:45pm CDST
Capture conditions: 65.7°F - 60.8°F; transparency: transparent 5/5; seeing: avg. 3/5
Location: Hendersonville, TN, USA