by Marcos L Rockenbach
Local: Caxias do Sul / Brazil
Scenery: local time 04h56min / Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS1 - 8 sec exposure - ISO 80.
Mars: Celestron NexStar 6SE, Meade LPI Camera plus barlow 2x. Stack 05 pictures. Local time 05h32min
Moon Earthshine: Sky-Watcher ED 80 mm, eyepiece Celestrom X-Cel 18 mm plus Moon Filter Meade ND96. Camera Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS1, 1 sec exposure, ISO 200. Stack 05 pictures. Local time: 05h20min.
Moon: Mosaic/ stack 06 pictures. Sky-Watcher ED 80 mm, camera: Meade LPI. Local time 05h41min to 05h52min.
Constras, stack and brightness Photoshop CS4.