This image of the sun, taken on April 29, 2011, shows a couple of active
regions. AR 1195 is on the left and a portion of AR 1199 is on the right. The
long thread-like structure beside AR 1195 is called a filament and the bright
white area below AR 1199 is called a plage.
Telescope: Lunt Solar Systems
Accessories: TeleVue 2.5x Powermate
Mount: Orion Atlas
EQ-G performance tuned by Astrotroniks
Camera: Imaging Source
Exposure: 1/77sec.
Gain: 566
Acquisition: IC Capture.AS
(Uncompressed AVI)
Processing: Registax 6 (best 500/3000)
Adobe Photoshop CS5
Date(s): April 29, 2011
Conditions: Poor seeing;
windy; moderate turbulence
Location: Hendersonville, TN, USA