2012 08 16, 0400 UT - NGC7354/PK 107+2.1 (4+3b)/H II-705
Planetary nebula in the constellation Cepheus, 22h 40.4m, +61deg17´, 0>20´, m12.9v
Erika Rix – Liberty Hill, Texas
16” Zhumell reflector f/4.5 on a non-tracking Dobsonian mount, Baader Planetarium Hyperion 8-24mm Mark III (75-225x magnification)
82.4°F, 54% H, 9.2 SSE winds, clear, Pickering 6, T 2/6
Sketch created with AL template, #2 graphite pencil, loaded blending stump with charcoal, super-fine Faber-Castell Pitt artist pen “S”, 0.5mm mechanical pencil.