This is a composite of 85 different captures.
Moon, CGEM-800, 2' 2x Barlow, Baader UV/IR cut filter, SPC900NC webcam, SharpCap for capture, Registax for processing and CS4 for composite
Arizona Meteor Crater, 6 images total with my Sony F-828 cimbined together in CS4 (I live in AZ and it is a great spot to go with all my reletives from Canada)
The rest of the image is Photoshop clouds and different layers composited in Photoshop.
BTW, if you happen to visit AZ, the meteor Crater is a must see, great place and pictures only tell a thousand words, being there is well worth it. I have lived in AZ for 16 years and it is still my favorite. This coming from a thrue grit Canuc.