This is my image of the Eagle Nebula, Messier 16, which I captured on Sept 5 2018 and earlier using my C-11 SCT and ATIK460EX camera. I captured M16 using a 3nm H-alpha filter, a 3nm O-III filter and a Luminance filter. The total integration time for the H-alpha filter was 560 minutes in July-Aug 2017 and Sept 2018; for the O-III filter the integration time was 100 minutes in Aug 2017, for the Luminance filter the integration time was 144 minutes in Aug 2017. I used a star mask in Pixinsight to eliminate some of the stars because they were bloated due to the exposure times; that's why some the stars directly over the Pillars region of M16 aren't present. In addition to the C-11 SCT and ATIK460EX main imaging camera, I used a Lodestar X2 guide camera, an On Axis Guider (ONAG), an F/6.3 Reducer, and a Starlight Instruments motorized programmable focuser control system, all components supported on a Losmandy G-11 mount controlled by a Gemini 2 mount controller.