This image of the Iris Nebula was shot during a summer holliday to France in August 2011. It consists of 38 subframes of 5 min at ISO 800, 18 darks, 40 flats and 20 bias, stacked (kappa-sigma) in DSS 3.3.0, and post-processed using a synthetic luminance (derived from the RGB) in Photoshop CS3. This was my first try using this method as outlined by Scott Rosen excellent video tutorial, and I was blown away with the difference compared to my original process back in 2011 (See thecomparison here: Equipment: 8" Skywatcher Blackline Newton @F/5/MPCC on NEQ6, Guided by QHY5/9x50 Finderguider, DIY Peltier Cooled Canon 350Da.
Thanks for watching,
Tim Schuurman (Astrovirus)