by Shawn Nielsen
This represents 3.5 hours of data acquired November 9th, 2010 from our local Astronomy club's dark site NW of Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
A CPC800 8in SCT with a 6.3 reducer was used along with a modified Canon 350XT. 5min subs were taken using Nebulosity and autoguiding with an Orion SSAG and PHD. Calibration, alignment and stacking was performed in Nebulosity. Final processing was done in Photoshop CS5.
Although astrophotography can be frustrating at times and even overwhelming to those starting out, it's moments under the stars with the spectacular Constellation of Orion and a beautiful image of a fascinating region of space such as the Horse and Flame Nebulae that give way to the inspiration to continue imaging the amazing night sky.