by Craig and Tammy Temple
These galaxies, in the constellation Coma Berenices, are part of the large Virgo Cluster. M98 is an edge-on spiral at the top, just left of center. M99, roughly in the center of the image, is a face-on spiral. To the bottom left, another face-on spiral, M100, is a large, bright galaxy. The edge-on barred spiral galaxy at the upper right is NGC4216. This un-cropped wide-field image was taken on April 1, 2009. The temperature was 58° F.
- William Optics Zenithstar 66 with 0.8x FR/FF vII (f/4.7) on Atlas EQ-G w/EQMOD
- Guided with Orion SSAG on an ED80 using PHD
- Canon 350D (self-modified) with Astronomik IR-block EOS clip filter + 2" Hutech IDAS LPS filter in Borg filter cell
- Best 81 of 90 x 90s @ ISO 1600
- Dark/Sky flat/Bias calibration