Fantastic Mars imaging from Don Parker

Posted by David Eicher
on Monday, January 23, 2012

For years and years, Don Parker of Coral Gables, Florida, a retired anesthesiologist, has led the world in color planetary imaging by amateur astronomers. His portraits of planets in the solar system are just a cut above everything else that gets produced, and he’s been a contributor to Astronomy for decades.

Don Parker
Don regularly images several planets, with Mars being one of his favorites. His images of the Red Planet from January 12 are simply amazing; check out the composite and the three individual monochromatic frames. Don used his 16-inch reflector at f/47, a DMK 21AU 618.AS CCD camera, and a series of Astrodon filters for the exposures. Although the seeing was “poor” compared to his best, the images are still amazing.


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