Check out this huge sunspot captured by astroimager John Chumack in Dayton, Ohio, September 12. It is a striking image of our Sun, the source of all our energy in the solar system, the entity that makes life possible on our planet, and the nuclear engine that will ultimately wipe out life on Earth another 600 or 800 million years from now when the oceans boil away. There’s a positive thought for a Tuesday, huh?!
John shot the image, which he describes as “kind of looking like Leo or the Loch Ness Monster,” with a Lunt 60mm/50F Hydrogen-alpha solar scope, a DMK 21AF04 Firewire camera, a 2x Barlow, 1/60-second exposures, and 700 frames stacked in
Registax 6.
Thanks for sending the image, John!