It‘s been a great pleasure recently to see some enthusiastic and highly skilled young astronomy enthusiasts. You may have seen “Why teens should care about astronomy,” a terrific story written by 14-year-old Ayla Besemer and published in the August 2011 issue of Astronomy. This talented young lady travels the world with her parents on a ship (see She is also an enthusiastic and skilled observer of the sky, and I encourage you to read her story if you haven’t.
The other day I received a spectacular email from Ayla, thanking me for the opportunity to write for the magazine. “I cannot put into words what a thrill this experience has been for me,” she penned, “but I can tell you I will never, ever forget the remarkable time I have had.”
Well, something tells me that you have not read the last words from Ayla in
Astronomy magazine. And she sent along a photo posing with the August issue in a bookstore (must have been in port recently).
Congratulations, Ayla! The astronomy world needs more young observers like you!