This is the last week to enter the Alien Worlds Student Story Contest

Posted by Sarah Scoles
on Monday, April 28, 2014

To win a copy of David A. Aguilar's new book, Alien Worlds, write a story about extraterrestrials that live on a planet outside our solar system. // National Geographic/David Aguilar
If you have an imagination, like science, can write sentences, and are under 18 years old, you can submit a story to the Alien Worlds Student Story Contest. But hurry! There’s only a week left.

To enter, just write a vivid tale about an imagined planet and the kinds of extraterrestrials that might flourish there. For ideas and inspiration, check out these real exoplanets.

Submissions must be postmarked or emailed by May 5, 2014. Entries must be 100–300 words, submitted in type-written paper copies or electronic copies in Microsoft Word.

For more information about how to enter, visit Winners will receive an autographed copy of David A. Aguilar’s new book, Alien Worlds: Your Guide to Extraterrestrial Life, published by National Geographic Kids.

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