Welcome Chris Raymond, Astronomy's new managing editor

Posted by Karri Ferron
on Tuesday, May 4, 2010

As Editor David J. Eicher explained in May’s “This Month in Astronomy,” the magazine’s executive editor, Dick McNally, retired in April. But chaos has not taken over the magazine offices with no one to keep us on deadline because we’ve had the fortune to bring on a new managing editor, Chris Raymond.

Chris actually started his career some 22 years ago at Kalmbach Publishing Co. and Astronomy. And now he’s come full circle, returning to our offices after his recent 12-year stint as editor of The Director, the world’s most widely read magazine for funeral directors (yes, the staff has already asked some morbid questions and made some tacky jokes about the undead).

His dry sense of humor and quick wit has helped him fit in nicely the past few weeks, as this staff is one that definitely doesn’t take itself too seriously. But on the serious side, we’re confident he’ll help us continue to put out an excellent magazine each month.

Read more about Chris in our “Meet the Staff” section.




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