If you're traveling down Interstate 10 in Tucson, try to sneak a peek at Adam Block's images as you head through the Speedway underpass.
If you read
Astronomy magazine regularly, you’re familiar with astroimager Adam Block. Adam has been contributing superb celestial images since just about the day I arrived at the magazine 7 years ago.
Now Adam has a new feather in his photography hat. The Arizona Department of Transportation is featuring images by Adam and others at the Speedway/Interstate-10 underpass in Tucson.
Adam has three images on display: the Horsehead Nebula (Barnard 33) in Orion, edge-on spiral galaxy NGC 891 in Andromeda, and the Trifid Nebula (M20) in Sagittarius. Adam uses the facilities at the Mount Lemmon SkyCenter to produce all his photography.
All of us here at the magazine congratulate Adam for this honor. If you’re in the area, you probably will want to sneak a glance at Adam’s work. That’s OK if you do so as the passenger and not the driver. Remember, safety first.