Pictures from Astronomy's annular eclipse trip to Kenya, part one

Posted by David Eicher
on Friday, January 22, 2010

January 15 2010 annular solar eclipseOn Astronomy’s 2010 Annular Eclipse Trip to Kenya, I had enough bandwidth to send back reports of our activities but not to relay photos and movies back home. Now that I have arrived back in the U.S.A., I will begin posting pictures from the trip in our Online Reader Gallery's Trips and Tours section. The first batch concentrates on eclipse day, January 15, 2010.

If you witnessed the eclipse, I encourage you to send your images to the magazine. Feel free to send them to, or to our photo editor, Michael Bakich, at

I will post more reports, pictures, and videos over the coming days.

Related: Reader-submitted images of the 2010 annular solar eclipse.

Previous blogs:

 Photo by David J. Eicher

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