Watch the Perseids fly

Posted by Michael Bakich
on Friday, August 21, 2009

Longtime Astronomy contributor John Chumack of Dayton, Ohio, sent us a video we had to share with you. It shows 3 nights of Perseid meteor activity beginning with the evening of August 11 and continuing through the morning hours of August 14.

During that time, Chumack recorded more than 240 meteors. He condensed the videos into a movie that runs just under 1 minute. During that minute, you’ll see the stars advance as Earth rotates. The Moon rises three times, once per night. Venus also rises above the house as twilight brightens the sky.

Chumack ends the movie by leaving a still image of the brightest Perseid he recorded — a magnitude –8 fireball. Anyone outdoors when that bad boy went over would have seen the sky light up and shadows appear all over the ground.

Watch John's Perseid meteor shower video.

Great work, John! Thanks for sharing.

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