Thoughts on the new movie, Moon

Posted by Bill Andrews
on Monday, August 10, 2009
Even though it’s technically been out a few weeks already, I saw the movie Moon recently. What better way to celebrate the 40-year anniversary of Apollo 11’s landing than by watching a movie all about the Moon and the lonely guy who works there in a mining station?

Briefly, the story follows one guy, Sam Bell, (played by Sam Rockwell) and the effects of his extensive isolation on the Moon. Completely alone except for the base’s computer (voiced by Kevin Spacey), the increasingly disturbing events cause Bell to doubt his sanity just as his 3-year stint winds down. I don’t want to spoil anything, so I’ll just say it was great, and apparently most critics agree.

The science is a little hand-wavey, but the sets and backgrounds look fantastic. Unlike most science fiction, the actual science — the futuristic technology and setting — are essential to the story and its resolution. The questions Bell asks himself, and even some of the answers, are similar to the ones we face down here on Earth whenever we’re lonely or trapped in a drudgerous job. Just as we saw in 2001, something about staring into a starry expanse seems to fill the mind not just with wonder, but with questions.

So if you enjoy deep discussions about the human condition, well-thought dramas, or just seeing some eye-catching stars and craters, consider giving Moon a shot. It’s a great way to see both the Moon and human nature up really close.  

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