On the road preview: The American Astronomical Society June meeting

Posted by Liz Kruesi
on Friday, June 5, 2009

This weekend I travel to southern California (Pasadena to be exact) for the 214th American Astronomical Society meeting. I’ll be there through Thursday morning, soaking up the science updates. In addition, I’m planning to head to Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles. Last time I visited Griffith was about 10 years ago, and I’ve heard the renovations to the observatory are fabulous.

The June AAS meeting isn’t as large as the January meeting, but there will still be some 1,000 astronomers attending. That makes for a lot of press conferences, science sessions, and posters. And I’ll keep you updated with as many as I can. Make sure to look for my blogs next week with exciting science from the meeting. And this time I’ll have the camera software installed on the laptop, so I’ll include pictures with my blogs.

AAS January 2009 meeting recaps:


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