Lunar soft-sell

Posted by Michael Bakich
on Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I just received a link to a video of lunar images put together by British amateur astronomer Bruce A. Kingsley. He serves as the Lunar Photographic section coordinator for the British Astronomical Association. The video contains no narration, only a small bit of text, and lots of images. I enjoyed it, so I thought I’d share it here.

About the video, Kingsley says, “It is artistic as much as scientific but has recently been used as part of my local astronomical society’s outreach projects for the International Year of Astronomy and in some small way a contribution to the further promotion of astronomy as a whole.”

Watch the video: "Return to the Moon -- Kingsley's Cosmos." You won’t find any photo credits because Kingsley took every picture in it.

In the spirit of the International Year of Astronomy, Kingsley has made his video available to amateur astronomers, club members, and anyone else who would like to use it to promote astronomy. Way to go, Bruce!

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