Deadline for astroimaging contest approaches

Posted by Michael Bakich
on Thursday, March 19, 2009

I just wanted to blog again about our 2009 Astronomy Astroimaging Contest. The April 15 deadline is now less than 1 month away.

We’ve divided the competition into three categories: Deep-Sky, Solar System, and General. If you don’t know which category to enter — for example, is a shot of star trails over the pyramids deep-sky or general? — send your image in anyway. We’ll sort it out. In addition to the three category winners, we’ll choose one additional image as the grand prize winner.

The grand prize is a 5-night stay at Arizona Sky Village/Rancho Hidalgo (worth $3,500) plus $1,000 to cover airfare, a rental car, and food. The observing destination sits in one of the darkest parts of North America, right on the Arizona-New Mexico border.

Other prizes include a mounted 1-1/4" Hydrogen-alpha filter from Astrodon Filters worth $275, a set of four nebula filters (Deep-Sky, UHC, OIII, and Hβ) from Lumicon worth $400, and a 13mm Ethos eyepiece from Tele Vue Optics worth $620.

We’ll showcase all the winners in our September 2009 issue. Just be sure to get your images to us by the deadline, April 15. Visit the contest page for more information.

And, of course, for great astroimages, visit our Online Reader Gallery.

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