Editors help promote awareness for Perseid meteor shower

Posted by Matt Quandt
on Thursday, August 14, 2008

Reporters from across the country consulted Astronomy magazine editors about the annual Perseid meteor shower that peaked August 12.

Here are links to a few of the Perseid stories:

  • "Nature's Fireworks," The Virginian Pilot, Lee Tolliver (Lee also blogged about watching the meteor shower. Read his preview, "Set the alarm for nature's fireworks" and his reaction "An awesome show")
  • "Perseids are coming," Austin American-Statesman, Mike Leggett
  • "Stay up late, get away from town to see meteors," The News Tribune
  • "Perseid meteor shower will be most visible about 3 a.m." The News-Press, Kevin Lollar
  • "Showtime in the sky: Perseid meteor shower to reach its peak over night," The News-Times, Robert Miller
  • UPDATE: "Meteor showers on the way," The Ann Arbor News, Amanda Hamon
  • Astronomy magazine sent out a press release about the Perseid meteor shower's peak. It also prepared a podcast and a video about how to observe the meteor shower:

    Press release: "Perseid meteors shower the August night sky"

    Podcast: "The Perseids"

    Video: "How to observe meteor showers"


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