Extreme observing

Posted by Anonymous
on Thursday, July 3, 2008

Several astronomy clubs send us their newsletters covering group activities and upcoming sky events. I recently received “Desert Skies” from the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association. While perusing it, I came across the story concerning rattlesnake alerts for observers. Holy cow! Now that is an observing site danger. 

Here in Wisconsin, I think the only wildlife danger at an observing site would be blood loss from mosquito attacks. I suppose it is a fair trade for those dark skies.

Although not in the same ratio, you can find rattlesnakes in Wisconsin. Throw in a whitetail buck in rut, an angry black bear, or a distrubed wasp nest. So you do have some real — albeit rare — in rural observing in our state.

Have you come across any dangerous situations with wildlife? Post it below? Or you can always post it in on our message board under the “Extreme astronomy” board.

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