
  • Member since November 2013
  • 1 contributed posts
About OldeWolfe

I've had an interest in astronomy since Comet West graced the skies in early 1976, striking wonder in me as I stared through my father's binoculars.

I built my first telescope my junior year in highschool, cobbling together a 3.5" Newtonian in a cardboard tube with a chipped primary mirror and old microscope focuser. Cheesy, but I saw the rings of Saturn!

After graduation I spent 21 years in the Navy. Seeing the night sky while lying on the deck of a darkened ship out in the middle of the ocean in calm seas... is indescribable.

I ended up living in the hills outside of San Diego after retirement where the skies are clear more often than not. I have a few small telescopes, but I've recently developed an interest in astrophotography, which needs something bigger. I have my finger poised over the 'buy' button of an 8" astrograph. I'm excited at the possibility of getting some deep sky pictures!

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