Kobe Jax

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3 Annotated Bibliography Examples in Three Different Citation Styles - 2021 Guide


As mentioned on the websites of most essay writer, the purpose of the annotated bibliography is to either evaluate or give a summarized overview of the sources that are used in the essay. It may also show the possible use of the sources mentioned in your research paper or essay.

It is however the directions of your teacher that may decide which citation style you must use or how much information you should include in your annotated bibliography. This is important as even an online essay writingservice would ask you to clearly mention the citation style that you want to use in your annotated bibliography.

In this article, you will find samples of annotated bibliographies in three different citation styles. You can use the relevant annotated bibliography examplefor the citation style that is commonly used in your institute, like MLA, APA, and Chicago style of citation.

MLA Annotation

Voeltz, Leah M. “Children's Attitudes toward Handicapped Peers.” American Journal of Mental Deficiency, vol. 84, 1980, pp. 455- 464.

As services for severely handicapped children become increasingly available within neighborhood public schools, children's attitudes toward handicapped peers in integrated settings warrant attention. Factor analysis of attitude survey responses of 2,392 children revealed four factors underlying attitudes toward handicapped peers: social-contact willingness, deviance, and two actual contact dimensions. Upper elementary-age children, girls, and children in schools with the most contact with severely handicapped peers expressed the most accepting attitudes. Results of this study suggest the modifiability of children's attitudes and the need to develop interventions to facilitate social acceptance of individual differences in integrated school settings. This is important as children learn by example, which is, of course, the core belief of this study in the first place


APA Annotation

Ehrenreich, B. (2001). Nickel and dimed: On (not) getting by in America. Henry Holt and Company.

In this book of nonfiction based on the journalist's experiential research, Ehrenreich attempts to ascertain whether it is currently possible for an individual to live on a minimum-wage in America. Taking jobs as a waitress, a maid in a cleaning service, and a Walmart sales employee, the author summarizes and reflects on her work, her relationships with fellow workers, and her financial struggles in each situation. An experienced journalist, Ehrenreich is aware of the limitations of her experiment and the ethical implications of her experiential research tactics and reflects on these issues in the text. The free essay writer is forthcoming about her methods and supplements her experiences with scholarly research on her places of employment, the economy, and the rising cost of living in America. Ehrenreich’s project is timely, descriptive, and well-researched.


Chicago Annotation

Obama, Michelle. Becoming. New York: Crown, 2018.

Obama’s book discusses a deeply personal experience. The book talks about her roots and how she found her voice, as well as her time as the first lady of the United States of America. It talks about her public health campaign, and her role as a mother. The book is divided into three sections: Becoming Me, Becoming Us, and Becoming More. Becoming is the part of the book where Obama spent her days growing up in the South Side of Chicago, through her early career and meeting Barack Obama. The next part of the book, Becoming Us, tells the tale of their relationship that led to their marriage and the start of the political career of Barack Obama in the state of Illinois. The section ends with Barack Obama at the pinnacle of his political career as he became the President of the United States of America. In the end, the part addressed Becoming More is about the problems, responsibilities, and general life as the first family of the United States of America.

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